Terms & Conditions
1. PIANALE JUNIOR is aimed at young pianists from Germany and abroad between 13 and 17 years. Due date is July 22, 2024.
2. You can register via the registration form on the website. Registration deadline is June 15, 2024
3. The date of registration will be strictly respected concerning the number of active participation. All registrations arriving after having completed the maximum of 12 candidates have to accept the waiting list.
4. Upon written confirmation, 950 Euro of the entire course fee must be paid within 8 days upon receipt into the account below:
Bank Name: Sparkasse Fulda
Bank Address:Buttermarkt 2-6 D-36037 Fulda
Account Holder: PIANALE gGmbH
IBAN: DE85 5305 0180 0000 0751 14
5. From May 31, 2024 until June 15, 2024 at the latest, the final payment of the course and accommodation fee is due. The invoice will be sent directly from the accommodation (Frauenberg Monastery) to the participants of PIANALE. The final payment is due immediately upon receipt of the invoice. By sending the registration form, participants agree that their address, email and telephone number will be passed on by PIANALE gGmbH to the Frauenberg Monastery exclusively for the purpose of invoicing the final payment.
6. In case of cancellation, 80% refund of course and accommodation fees will be granted if written cancellation notice is received before June 15, 2024.
After June 15, 2024, fees cannot be refunded any longer.
7. Additional services such as language course, pick-up service and Fitness and Relaxation are posted on the registration form. After June 15, 2024 no more additional services can be booked or changed.
8. Participants of PIANALE JUNIOR are allowed to take part without companion. PIANALE JUNIOR has legally recognized tutors taking care of all participants.Accompanying persons cannot be accommodated in the Frauenberg Monastery and will take care of their own accommodation.
9. The Repertoire can be changed till June 15, 2024. The change must be comunicated in a written form.
10. In case of late arrival or early departure the participant loses the right to receive all piano master classes and can not perform at the semi-final and final concert. The participant forfeits the right to win any scholarship or award.
11. The piano and language course fee can not be reduced. There is no entitlement to scholarships and special prizes.
12. Scholarships can not be given in advance. Participants will compete to perform at the final concert. The decision of the professors and the jury shall be final.
13. Previous winners of the Jury and Audience Award are excluded to perform again at the final concert. They are welcome to take part in the courses and other concerts than final concert.
14. The winners of the special prizes in form of concert engagements have to play their concerts in the specified season. Not perceived concerts can not be rescheduled or replaced.
15. The registration is only valid together with the declaration form of the guardian of the participant. The guardian of the participant accepts the conditions of participation signing this declaration form.
16. With the application the guardian and the participant agree that photos, recordings and filming made in connection with the event are owned by PIANALE gGmbH and can be used without entitlement to remuneration in electronic and non-electronic media . The participant renounces his right to claim any fees due to the production, reproduction, explotation or public accessibility of photographs, recordings and videos.
17. Any changes concerning the academy will be published only on the website www.pianale.com
18. For more information please contact:
PIANALE gGmbH · Am Eichwald 1 · 36043 Fulda, Germany
Tel.: +49.661.94250407 · Fax: +49.661.9426287
Email: academy@pianale.com
19. Should any dispute arise as to the interpretation of the regulations of the participation, the German text is to be considered legally binding.