Nozomi Nakagiri



Nozomi Nakagiri





最後にこのアカデミーのManaging Directorであり、素晴らしいプロフェッサーであるWeyand Uta先生に、感謝と尊敬を込めて・・・

中桐 望


This time, I was invited to participate PIANALE Piano Academy as prize given to the top of Japanese contestant in the 8th Hamamatsu International Piano Competition (held in 2012). 17-days course was held in the city of Schlitz, Germany, in August every year. This master class is so fulfilling and very attractive for students learning the piano, for example we can receive twice lessons of 6 Professors, competition of students target is performed at the end of the course, and we can also take the course of language such as English and German we can choose ourself.

21 people from about 10 countries participated in this year, there are also many Japanese participants. Exchanges deepens quickly with every students because to stay in the same accommodation and have every meals all together. And lesson’s rooms and accommodation are very close, so attend the lessons of other students, as well as the casual we can get a glimpse of the attitude to tackle the music of each other. Pianist always have much time alone. But It was very warm and a happy time for me to feel Bonds with each other to strive towards the same goal, that can be obtained many stimuli in such an environment.

We had lessons almost every day in two weeks, it was very hard for us but the lessons were so perfect! A major attraction of the master class is that teachers tell us various things in their own perspective and we can learn a wide range of music interpretation and how to express it in a short period of time, it is needless to say. And this time, I could find a clearly solution for some problems and trobles that I have now and I must improve by being pointed out to 6 professors. This is still, it is thanks to a great system of PIANALE Academy that can receive the lessons by 6 professors in a short period of time, and fantastic PIANALE’s professors who did lessons with a fantastic music and precise guidance!

The great things more, We were given very rich performance chance during the course. Students concerts started at the third day masterclass had begun! There were ready almost daily at concert halls or churches in Fulda and other town. 2 exactly chances to perform were given to everyone this year. We could know when and what to play in a concert, was decided by teachers on 1-2 days before the concert in consideration of the program that we prepared and progress of the lessons. It was hard for us but it is a valuable experience that will nurture the spirit and the force required on the go aspired performance activity, the ability to be prepared the repertoire always.

And at the end of the course, 8 students were choosed as the semifinalist and the competition was held. In this year, Takuma Ishii, Kenichiro Kojima, Mai Higuchi and me, four Japanese were selected in semifinalist. Japanese students actived well!

More, four students go to final out of these, scholarship is awarded semifinalists and finalists. And the opportunities of recital in Europe given to the finalists. These are very wonderful backup and support! I received a first prize this year that an honor, I could get an opportunity to have recital in Weimar and Paris next year!

Lessons, language, concerts, competitions and warm connection between people…PIANALE Piano Academy is a great masterclass that combines everything we need for a pianist! My wonderful experience in the 17 days was a great opportunity to grow up myself in the future. I would like everyone of students who are reading this to know and experience PIANALE Piano Academy, giving us a big music experience!

The last, I would thank to Prof. Weyand Uta who are Managing Director of this Academy and a great professor, with all my respect to you...

Nozomi Nakagiri

10 years pianale

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Joaquín Soriano

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Nozomi Nakagiri