Fitness & Relaxation
Back-fitness and muscle-relaxation for pianists.
Anja Kohlstruck is offering two training sessions per week for interested participants at PIANALE since 2018. In small groups she addresses the interests and problems of each individual and relaxes the many tensions that pianists are exposed to through long periods of sitting and high physical and mental commitment.
"Physical and mental harmony strengthen body and mind."
Anja Kohlstruck is considered one of the most versatile and individualized coaches for all who aspire to this harmony.
Join 4 Training sessions for 40 €

Her teachers trained her in programs like Pilates, Booty Barre, Aerobics and BaLLance as well as in nutritional and relaxation therapy. After many years as a freelance fitness trainer she successfully opened her own studio "umbilicus" in Fulda. Here she combines training, therapy and relaxation under one roof. Anja Kohlstruck is training participants of PIANALE since 2018.